One of the most exciting milestones of your Instagram career is hitting the 10k follower mark. That’s when you can call yourself at least a micro-influencer and be proud of your talent!

It also helps you stand out as a respected and credible creator. You become eligible for brand collaborations and other opportunities to get paid.

However, the million-dollar question is, “How to get 10k followers on Instagram?”

While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, we’ll share all the strategies to make it happen! 

How Long Does It Take to Reach 10k Followers? Is It Difficult?

There’s no specific answer for how long it’ll take. Whether you currently have less than 1k or around 9k followers, everyone’s journey on Instagram is different!

And yes, this is a difficult journey. 10k followers is a significant amount and you’ll need to have a proper social media strategy.

How to Get 10k Followers on Instagram?

Though getting 10k followers seems to be a far-fetched dream, it’s not impossible. Even if your account growth is slow, you can make it happen with these guaranteed strategies!  

1. Find Your Niche and Focus on It

If you still don’t have a specific niche, experiment to find one. Try out different types of content and study the analytics. Make sure you have a professional account so you can research all engagements.

Know what your existing followers like and which content gets you more new followers. Check the comments to know whether your followers are demanding a certain type of content more. Continue posting content that gets more views and follows.

If you want to work with specific brands, it’s better to keep your niche relevant to them.  

After identifying your niche, stop experimenting. People expect a specific type of content from you. So don’t deviate and keep them entertained!

2. Stay Active on Instagram

If you look up to other Instagram creators, follow, like, and comment on their content. Engage with them regularly to show your appreciation.

This way, you’ll have a higher chance of being noticed by their target audience. If a chunk of your audience follows them, they’ll also notice you and visit your account more frequently.

However, maintain acceptable levels of engagement. Don’t stalk others’ old content to engage with them. Keep it natural to create a positive image.

3. Post Consistently, on Time

Good content is like a TV show. If people are hooked to it, they want to watch it regularly at a set time. So, if you start a skit, complete it. If you share tips about traveling, don’t drop in between. Otherwise, you may even lose followers!

Further, post 2-3 times a day to boost your chances of being suggested to new viewers and going viral on the For You page.

However, don’t post all the content at once, or else you won’t have anything to share during the remaining week.

4. Get Some Support

Imagine this: You come across a reel on Instagram, and you like it. You go to the creator’s account, and everything looks cohesive. But just before following them, you notice they don’t have enough followers YET!

You question whether the creator genuinely creates good content. Otherwise, why does it not have enough followers yet?

Yes, potential followers can doubt your authenticity and quality based on your existing follower count. So, a great option is to buy Instagram followers from a reliable source that offers 100% authentic engagement from real people.

It’ll help you stand out, gain more traction, and also keep you motivated!

5. Get a Profile Makeover

Your Instagram profile helps you create the first impression to potential followers, so finetune it with the following tips to create a cohesive look.

  • Add a clear headshot in the profile picture without sunglasses or hair covering your face. Body shots don’t give a clear view.
  • Make sure you use your name in the name and handle section. While you can use an alias, it doesn’t form an instant connection.
  • Fill in the title as it instantly conveys what your content is about.
  • Use your bio to wisely with details like what you do, your call to action, and your email.
  • Add all websites and other social media account links.

6. Stay Updated

Research the latest trends and events within your industry to keep your content relevant. Relevancy encourages more interactions and makes your content viral. Trends and current affairs make new audiences more likely to hit the follow button.

7. Create More Reels

Instagram promotes reels more than photo content. When you tap on any reel on the Instagram homepage, you can swipe up continuously and find new reels. However, you’ll hardly see any photo posts as suggestions.

So, capitalize on this and post more reels than photos or stories to make your account discoverable. It’ll help your content reach more people and get more followers.

8. Use Hashtags

Instagram hashtags may not seem much, but they can also improve your content reach and gain followers.

Include at most 2 branded personalized hashtags, 3 general niche-specific hashtags, and 3 content-specific hashtags. Experiment with this strategy to make the algorithm boost your content more.

However, research every hashtag before using them. If any of them shows prompts like some content with that hashtag has been removed or a “Can we help?” message, don’t use them. These hashtags can negatively impact your content and even get you shadowbanned.

9. Promote Your Account

Tell your friends and family to share your Instagram and ask them to recommend it to their circle. Add the Instagram account link to the bio of other social media platforms, websites, newsletters, and blog posts.

Consistently share your Instagram posts on other platforms to remind followers, ask them to follow you on Instagram, and stay connected!

10. Work with other Creators

Shortlist 10-20 Instagram influencers relevant to your niche. Collaborate with them to create content, ask for a shoutout, or request them to share your content.

You can do the same for them if you both have a similar amount of followers. This will help you both tap into each other’s audience and get more followers. If they have greater reach, you’ll have to pay them.

Final Thoughts

The growth to 10k followers is surprisingly slow and challenging. However, that’s where all the fun begins. 

You get to explore different strategies along with high-quality content. You understand that it’s not just about hitting the 10k digits. Rather, it’s about creating a genuine community of loyal followers who relate with you.

So, stay authentic and patient, be dedicated, and enjoy the journey of success!